1º Bimestre

2º Bimestre

Inglês - 2º Bimestre (semana 6)

Compreensão escrita: familiarizando-se com o Gênero Abstract


AULA 6: Produção Escrita:
Summarising & Note-taking


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1. Leia, abaixo, o trecho de um texto e, em seguida, resuma, em uma sentença, a ideia central do texto.

History of engineering

The history of engineering can be roughly divided into four overlapping phases, each marked by a revolution:

l  Pre-scientific revolution: The prehistory of modern engineering features ancient master builders and Renaissance engineers such as Leonardo da Vinci.
l  Industrial revolution: From the XVIII through early XIX century, civil and mechanical engineers changed from practical artists to scientific professionals.
l  Second industrial revolution: In the century before World War II, chemical, electrical, and other science-based engineering branches developed electricity, telecommunications, cars, airplanes, and mass production.
l  Information revolution: As engineering science matured after the war, microelectronics, computers, and telecommunications jointly produced information technology.

Fonte: Engineering – an endless frontier. History of Engineering. Disponível em: <http://www.creatingtechnology.org/history.htm>.

** As quatro fases que podem ser divididas a história da engenharia, foram marcadas por revoluções: Pré- revolução científica - A pré-história da engenharia moderna; Revolução industrial - Engenheiros civis e mecânicos mudou de artistas práticas para os profissionais científicos; Segunda revolução industrial : No século antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, química, elétrica , e outros ramos de engenharia baseadas na ciência desenvolvida energia elétrica, telecomunicações , automóveis, aviões , e produção em massa; Revolução da informação - Como a ciência da engenharia amadureceu após a guerra, microeletrônica , informática e telecomunicações produzido conjuntamente tecnologia da informação. **


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Text: How urban societies can adapt to resource shortage and climate change

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With more than half the world’s population now living in urban areas and with much of the world still urbanizing, there are concerns that urbanization is a key driver of unsustainable resource demands. Urbanization also appears to contribute to ever-growing levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Meanwhile, in much of Africa and Asia and many nations in Latin America and the Caribbean, urbanization has long outstripped local governments’ capacities or willingness to act as can be seen in the high proportion of the urban population living in poor quality, overcrowded, illegal housing lacking provision for water, sanitation, drainage, healthcare and schools. But there is good evidence that urban areas can combine high living standards with relatively low GHG emissions and lower resource demands.
(   ) Contextualização
(   ) Objetivo
(   ) Metodologia
(   ) Resultado(s)
( x  ) Conclusão
This paper draws on some examples of this and considers what these imply for urban policies in a resource-constrained world.
(   ) Contextualização
(   ) Objetivo
(   ) Metodologia
( x ) Resultado(s)
(   ) Conclusão
These examples suggest that cities can allow high living standards to be combined with levels of GHG emissions that are much lower than those that are common in affluent cities today.
(   ) Contextualização
(   ) Objetivo
(   ) Metodologia
(   ) Resultado(s)
( x  ) Conclusão
This can be achieved not with an over-extended optimism on what new technologies can bring but mostly by a wider application of what already has been shown to work.
( x ) Contextualização
(   ) Objetivo
(   ) Metodologia
(   ) Resultado(s)
(   ) Conclusão


Engineering – an endless frontier. History of Engineering. Disponível em: <http://www.creatingtechnology.org/history.htm>.

The Royal Society. Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, 2011.  How urban societies can adapt to resource shortage and climate change. Disponível em: <http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/369/1942/1762.short>.